FUHRMANN Engineering Inc. (FEI) provided a Phase I Engineering Services for the intersection of 27th Street and 36th and 38th Avenues, in Moline, IL for the Illinois Department of Transportation. Work included designing the geometrics of the intersection and a multiuse path that runs along the half-mile section of 27th Street. Three alternatives for the intersection were designed involving different placements of the path and other variables, including the consideration of a roundabout for the intersection. Fuhrmann provided typical sections, plan and profiles for 27th Street and the multi-use path, horizontal and vertical control, and the Intersection Design Study (IDS). Challenges of the design involved drainage considerations, designing the path on a levee to keep it above the high water mark of the creek running along 27th Street, the underpass at IL 5.
This project is part of the I-74 reconstruction in Moline, from south of 23rd Street (the Avenue of the Cities) to the Rock River. The project involves rehabilitation of a half-mile of 27th street, a major urban corridor.