Meacham Road between Algonquin Road and Emerson Road, Rolling Meadows, Cook County, IL (FEI #11-502)

Architecture, Code Services, Construction Management & Inspection, Construction Phase Services, Design, Environmental, Land Surveying, Mechanical Engineering, Planning, Program Management, Roadway Design, Seismic Analysis and Design, Site Civil Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying
Aviation, Bridge, Facilities, Federal, Mobility, Planning and Management, Surface Transportation

Phase I Feasibility Study - Meacham Road between Algonquin Road and Emerson Road, Rolling Meadows, Cook County, IL (FEI #11-502)

Meacham Road, between Algonquin Road and Emerson Road, is a rural two lane road through portions of the Village of Schaumburg, City of Rolling Meadows, and unincorporated Cook County.  The sections of Meacham Road south and north of these limits consist of improved roadways of four or more lanes in width.

Due to the type of existing land uses along this roadway, the extent of the existing landscaping, and the many residential driveways off Meacham Road, it was critical to thoroughly analyze roadway width, drainage, grading, utility, bikeways, sidewalks, and landscaping options prior to the start of a formal Phase I Engineering Design.

Schedule: 10/2011 – 05/2012 Client: City of Rolling Meadows
Role of Firm: Prime Consultants Owner: City of Rolling Meadows
Reference Information:
Contact: Fred Vogt
Title: Director of Public Works
Address: 3900 Berdnick Street Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Telephone:(847 963-0500)
Project Manager: Gina Fuhrmann, P.E.
Contract Value: $44,500